As a dedicated Phlow user and professional graphic designer, I've come to appreciate the app's robust capabilities while also recognizing opportunities for visual enhancement. My proposed redesign aims to elevate the brand's aesthetic appeal and user experience without compromising its core functionality.
The logo redesign focuses on storytelling and versatility. While the current wide format has its merits, a more adaptable design would better suit various digital and print applications. The app icon, though charming, could benefit from a clearer connection to the Phlow brand, especially for new users unfamiliar with the app's purpose.
Regarding the color palette, I've maintained the strong foundation of the existing scheme while introducing subtle adjustments to amplify the retro aesthetic. These refinements aim to create a more cohesive and visually striking brand identity.
The webpage redesign prioritizes immediate user comprehension. By prominently featuring key information about Phlow's purpose and benefits, we cater to the typically brief attention spans of online visitors. This approach ensures that essential details are readily accessible without requiring extensive scrolling.
For the app interface, I've implemented ergonomic improvements based on my firsthand user experience. Relocating primary navigation buttons to the bottom of the screen enhances one-handed usability, allowing for more intuitive thumb access. Additionally, the introduction of lateral swiping between libraries streamlines navigation, creating a more fluid and efficient user experience.
Overall, a central focus of this redesign was to keep user-generated photos at the forefront of the interface. This approach not only showcases the app's impressive editing capabilities but also emphasizes the core purpose of Phlow – empowering users to create and share stunning visual content. By maintaining this visual emphasis, I reinforced the app's value proposition and inspire users to explore its full range of features.
photo credit and stills:

original web homepage

v1: new web homepage

v2: new web homepage with original video edited

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